Information Commissioner Office - practice recommendation

On 18 June 2024, the Information Commissioner Office (ICO) issued a practice recommendation to Post Office addressing our recent conformance to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Codes of Practice. The ICO’s practice recommendation can be found on their website here.  


As the ICO acknowledges, Post Office has been facing unique circumstances due to the public interest in the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry and extensive media coverage which have led to significant increases in the volume of FOIA requests. 


We are committed to being an open and transparent business and have made substantial progress with actions that are enabling us to return as swiftly as possible to high levels of compliance for FOIA, including publishing our FOIA disclosures and timeliness statistics. 


We regularly engage with the ICO and welcome their recommendations, which are being fully implemented to support and enhance our improvements.


You can find more information on FOIA requests here.