Policy on remuneration during a period of suspension

Post Office is committed to keeping Postmasters up-to-date about process and policy changes and the work undertaken to address previous operational issues that may have impacted Postmasters and former Postmasters.

One of those is our suspension remuneration policy.

The Common Issues Judgment found that clauses in Postmaster contracts allowing Post Office to withhold remuneration during any period of suspension were unreasonable under the Unfair Contract Terms Act, so Post Office was not entitled to rely on them.

Before March 2019, Postmasters were not remunerated during the period of any contract suspension. Post Office has subsequently changed this policy, resulting in Postmasters being remunerated during a period of suspension.

We are addressing the impact of this previous policy as quickly as possible by making payments to the Postmasters affected.

We are currently writing to eligible Postmasters including former Postmasters about this and have launched a website with more information.

Postmasters, including former Postmasters, therefore do not need to contact us separately about this in the meantime.