3. Enabling enterprise: The unseen part of the United Kingdom’s economic infrastructure
Box 2
Key findings: The unseen part of the United Kingdom’s economic infrastructure
Small and medium-sized businesses regularly rely on their local post offices to operate – in fact, nearly three in 10 SMEs use Post Office at least once a week – and more than half use it at least once a month.

SMEs hugely value the convenience that the Post Office network brings to their businesses – worth almost £1 billion per year overall to SMEs, which equates to over £175 per SME per year.
SMEs use postal services almost every time they visit their local post office and greatly value the convenience of having a post office nearby.
With more than 5,000 bank branches closing since 2015, Post Office is also increasingly a lifeline for SMEs by providing essential banking services, such as depositing cash without needing to shut up shop and travel to find a bank in a neighbouring town (if it still has one).