The Strategic Executive Group (SEG) is the most senior leadership team which is accountable to the Board for the day-to-day o...
Total Results: 179

There are number Board committees which deal with specific topics requiring independent oversight including Audit, Risk & Com...

The following documents provide useful Corporate information

On 19 December, we published our Annual Report & Accounts for 2023-24.

Mae Cymru’n wlad ddwyieithog, gyda’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg yn cael eu defnyddio fel mater o drefn ym mywyd bob dydd ac mewn gwe...

Wales is a bilingual country, with both Welsh and English used routinely in daily life and workplaces. The Welsh language has...

Post Office (Post Office Limited and any wholly owned subsidiaries) is committed to high standards of ethical behaviour and h...

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Act. It sets out the steps taken by Post Office, POMS & Payzone durin...

This Network Report contains information on the Post Office network as at the end of March 2024.