Wales is a bilingual country, with both Welsh and English used routinely in daily life and workplaces. The Welsh language has official status in Wales and there are measures in place to ensure it is not treated less favourably than English. Post Office care about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and we are very proud of our Welsh branch network, postmasters and colleagues. Post Office have operated a Welsh Language Scheme for over 25 years and in that time, we have adopted the principle that in the conduct of public business in Wales, we will treat the English and Welsh languages on a basis of equality.
A great example of the scheme in practice is our Holyhead branch in Anglesey where over 70% of the population are fluent Welsh speakers. Holyhead Post Office is operated by postmaster Jeya Jogananath and branch manager Gillian Collier.
Click read more to watch our short video and find out more.
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1 Introduction
This Welsh Language Scheme (this Scheme) relates to Post Office Limited ("we", "us" and "our").
Post Office Ltd provides public and commercial services to personal and small business customers through a network of over 11,500 post office branches. The vast majority of branches are run by independent operators (largely franchisees) and companies who are responsible for their business premises and employ their own staff. There are 117 branches (4 within Wales) as of the end of March 2023, run by Post Office Limited directly.
2 About this Scheme
We have adopted the principle that in the conduct of public business in Wales, we will treat the English and Welsh languages on a basis of equality. This Scheme sets out how we will give effect to that principle when providing public services in Wales.
We will adhere to the policies, and uphold the standards, set out in this Scheme, and will plan all public services with reference to the commitments given in this Scheme. This Scheme sets out a framework for managing and monitoring our progress in fulfilling the commitments made in this Scheme.
We are committed to providing an equally high standard of customer service in Welsh and English.
The commitments set out in this Scheme require us to maintain our capacity for routinely handling public business in Welsh to the required standards, and this Scheme includes steps that we will take to achieve this.
This Scheme has the full support of our Board.
3 Products and Services
The Post Office offers over 170 different products from branches across the UK. We work with a number of partners and suppliers to offer a range of products and services including personal and business banking, mails and parcels, savings, credit cards, mortgages, insurance, travel services, money transfer and bill payments. Government Services include the Passport Check & Send service, DVLA and Identity services.
When delivering public services in Wales, on our own behalf or acting as agent for another organisation which has its own Welsh language scheme, we will ensure that we abide by the standards and commitments set out in this Scheme.
4 Counter transactions
Where Welsh speaking colleagues are available in our branches, we will provide badges to help customers identify staff who can serve them in Welsh.
Counter processes within our Directly Managed branches will ensure non-Welsh speaking colleagues can process forms that are completed in Welsh without delay.
We will ensure that all employees and agents in our branches are made aware of the procedures for assisting or providing advice to customers who prefer to transact their business in Welsh.
5 Correspondence
We welcome letters and other written correspondence about our public services in Welsh. We will reply in Welsh to all correspondence received in Welsh.
We will use Welsh when corresponding with customers and stakeholders about post office branch changes as part of our Principles of Community Engagement.
6 Public meetings
We welcome contributions from Welsh speakers at any face-to-face public meetings in Wales. Subject to prior notification, we will consider the provision of translation facilities, having regard to the level of demand and subject matter of the meeting.
7 Forms and leaflets
In Wales, we will produce either bilingual or Welsh versions of Post Office Limited customer leaflets.
The principle of equality in design in respect of size, quality, legibility and prominence will apply to all our publications, materials or notices produced in Welsh. Where a place-name occurs within Welsh text, the official Welsh form will be used. These bilingual requirements for Wales will be incorporated in our design guidelines.
When providing forms and leaflets on behalf of third parties that are subject to language commitments, we will ensure they are available bilingually in our branches in Wales.
Some of our branches in Wales may supply forms and leaflets on behalf of third parties that may not produce their literature in Welsh. In our capacity as agent, we will use our influence to encourage the introduction of bilingual forms and leaflets wherever possible.
We will ensure that our branches in Wales, subject to space constraints, have bilingual items adequately stocked and displayed. Where separate Welsh and English versions are provided, we will ensure that the Welsh and English versions are equally available.
8 Signs and notices
We will display bilingual signs on the exterior of our own buildings in Wales. Where branches are owned and operated in Wales by agents, we will ensure that the agents have access to an approved suppliers’ portal to order bilingual signs when the signage is replaced.
All post office branches in Wales will display bilingual signs internally.
The principle of equality between Welsh and English will also apply to any new or replacement signs in branches in Wales. Where we provide separate Welsh and English signs, they will be equal in terms of format, size, quality, legibility and prominence.
All ATMs that we own and electronic signs located in a branch in Wales, will display bilingual signage and information.
Our Mobile Post Office vehicles that are permanently based in, or mainly used in Wales will display bilingual signage.
Public information notices produced by us and displayed in public areas in branches in Wales will be bilingual. If separate Welsh notices are produced, we will give them equal prominence with the English version.
9 Websites
When redesigning our website, we will take into account the principle of treating both languages equally in the delivery of public services as well as any guidelines and standards issued by the Welsh Language Commissioner relating to the development of websites.
We will display bilingual information about the Welsh Language Scheme on our corporate website.
Our Branch Consultation Hub is fully
10 Publications and events
We will normally produce bilingual customer information publications for distribution to customers in Wales.
Where we produce separate Welsh and English versions of a publication, we will publish both versions simultaneously and they will be available in Wales on terms of equal accessibility.
11 Product advertising
Any advertising promotions we produce aimed solely at customers in Wales will be bilingual or have a Welsh language version.
Where we produce advertising material aimed at promoting sales of commercial products rather than providing public information, we shall consider in each case the need for production of a bilingual or Welsh language version for customers in Wales, having regard to the size and nature of the target audience, and commercial considerations.
Where we sell or distribute promotional or other products, either separately or in connection with another of our services, we shall consider in each case the need for production of a bilingual or Welsh language version for customers in Wales, having regard to the size and nature of the target audience, but with a presumption in favour of the principle of equality between Welsh and English. Where third parties contract with us for the distribution or sale of products and/or services and produce joint promotions featuring one of our services, we shall ask them to take these considerations into account.
12 Stamps in Wales
Individual or sheets of Royal Mail Welsh Definitive stamps will be available at all our branches in Wales along with the current “Special Stamp” issues available at the time.
13 Recruitment and training – Post Office Limited employees
Within our Directly Managed Branches we will identify roles where we consider that the ability to speak Welsh is essential or desirable. Where such a requirement applies it will be stated in our external job advertisement and incorporated within a bilingual job description.
We are an equal opportunities employer and will select the person most competent to fill a vacancy, taking all factors into consideration. Where we have stated that the ability to speak Welsh competently is desirable for a particular role, and where in our view candidates are otherwise equally qualified, we will give preference to a Welsh speaker.
14 Recruitment and training – Agents and their employees
When appointing agents to operate post office branches in Wales, details of our Welsh Language Scheme will be provided within our onboarding materials. This will include information for agents to consider in respect of recruitment, branch signage and the availability of public information within their branch. This will be further supplemented by periodical branch communications to highlight the Scheme’s commitments.
15 Implementing and monitoring this Scheme
Observance of this Scheme is mandatory within all parts of Post Office Ltd and managers have a responsibility to communicate and implement the Scheme. This Scheme will be publicised internally to maintain awareness and where appropriate will be included as part of the onboarding process for employees and agents.
The planning of products and services for the public will take account of the need in Wales for equality between the Welsh and English languages and the commitments given in this Scheme.
We will ensure that the measures and standards set out in this Scheme are implemented and regularly reviewed. The commitments given in this Scheme will be incorporated in appropriate business guidelines and instructions and communicated to the relevant colleagues and agents, and to contractors providing services to the public on our behalf. Agents operating branches on our behalf will be asked to communicate these measures and standards to their employees.
We will nominate a senior person with overall responsibility for Welsh language policy. The name of the person will be made known, as appropriate, to all employees and agents, as well as to the public.
We shall keep the effectiveness of this Scheme under review, and we shall consider any necessary amendments to this Scheme for further promoting equality between the Welsh and English languages in consultation with the Welsh Language Commissioner.
We shall consult the Welsh Language Commissioner in advance regarding proposals which will affect this Scheme.
We shall not make any alteration to this Scheme without proper consultation with the Welsh Language Commissioner.
16 Contact points
Customers who have an enquiry or complaint about one of our products or services, should raise their concerns with our customer service team via the contact page -