Assistance for appealing convictions

Important note: The convictions of hundreds of postmasters were quashed on 24 May 2024 when the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act passed into law.

Important note: The convictions of hundreds of postmasters were quashed on 24 May 2024 when the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act passed into law. On 14 June 2024, convictions in Scotland were also quashed by legislation.

This clears their names, delivers justice, and ensures swifter access to the financial redress they deserve.

On 30 July 2024, the Government announced that its new Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme (HCRS) for people whose convictions are quashed by legislation, is open.  The scheme is UK-wide and is being administered by the Department for Business and Trade.  Details of registering for the scheme can be found on the Government’s website here: Register for the Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme (HCRS): Overview - GOV.UK (

The Ministry of Justice is identifying convictions within the scope of the Act. On 30 July 2024, the Government published an updated open letter to postmasters, with further details, including of the new redress scheme (HCRS). This can be found here: Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024: updated open letter to  postmasters.

Court appeals

We have previously contacted the majority of people with relevant convictions in cases prosecuted by Post Office between 1999 and 2015, although there remained a very small number of people that we were unable to trace despite extensive efforts to do so.

Many people have already successfully appealed their convictions or are taking forward appeals – you can see the detail here. Following the Government’s legislation (see above), anybody who believes they may have been affected is strongly encouraged to respond to the advice in the Government’s open letter to postmasters. 

There is also information available from the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), the independent body that investigates potential miscarriages of justice, and this  can be found on their website here.

Appeals process for criminal convictions in Post Office Horizon cases

People whose convictions are not covered by the Act are not prevented from making an appeal to the Courts, or from applying to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC).

We understand that people may find it very painful to be reminded of the past when considering an appeal. There may be a lot of questions or concerns, and the legal process may seem daunting. We want to assure anyone that has been affected that support and help is available.

If you have previously tried to appeal and failed, or pleaded guilty in a Magistrates’ Court, or if the person who was convicted has died and a close relative wishes to appeal on their behalf, you can apply to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC). The CCRC is an independent body and their service is free. They are familiar with Post Office cases, conduct individual investigations and reviews and decide whether cases should be referred to the appeal Courts. Cases referred by the CCRC must be heard by the appeal Courts who then determine the safety of convictions. Information about the CCRC and application forms can be found on their website.

People who have not previously appealed and were convicted in a Crown Court or convicted in a Magistrates’ Court after pleading not guilty, can appeal directly to the appropriate Appeal Court. This may mean seeking permission in the first instance. To date, Post Office cases have been heard by Southwark Crown Court if the convictions were in Magistrates Courts. For convictions in Crown Courts, Post Office cases have been heard by the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division).

If you wish to get in touch with Post Office about your conviction you can do so at and we will do our best to help.

Citizens Advice Support

Post Office has engaged Citizens Advice to provide a service offering confidential support and information for people who may want to consider appeals.

Citizens Advice is a network of independent charities, offering free, confidential and impartial advice to help you find a way forward. They provide advice on things like money and debt, work, benefits and more, either online or over the phone. 

Their web address/link for more information is here

Or they can be contacted by phone on 01670 339777.

This service is open 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday

There is also an online form here where clients can request a call back at a more convenient time if they prefer.

More information about financial redress for overturned convictions can be found here: