Our corporate responsibility statement

At our core, we are a business driven and defined by our social purpose.

Our corporate responsibility strategy sets out how we manage our business to support a sustainable future, both for us as an organisation and the communities we serve in, while still delivering on our Purpose: “We’re here, in person, for the people who rely on us”. 

To inform our strategy we worked with Postmasters, customers, colleagues and clients to make sure we address the priorities of our stakeholders. As part of our Intent 2025, we identified four top priorities through our materiality assessment, which will underpin our corporate responsibility strategy for now and years to come.

Community prosperity

Post Offices are at the heart of communities across the UK and play a key role in helping communities prosper. From ensuring vulnerable customers get the support they need with initiatives like the Hidden Disabilities sunflower lanyard, to facilitating charitable donations for local and national causes, Post Office has a vital role to play in supporting communities.

Climate action and Net Zero

Playing our part in achieving Net Zero is a key theme of our corporate responsibility strategy. We publish our annual emissions data, as well as our plans to improve our energy efficiency, in our Annual Report and Accounts. Working across our managed sites, our fleet and our supply chain, we are implementing a range of technologies and initiatives to reduce our impact on the environment and help pave the way for Net Zero.

Waste reduction and increased recycling

As a business that delivers goods and services to 11,500 communities, reducing the physical waste in our business is vital in ensuring a sustainable future for us, our clients and our customers. We have a number of initiatives underway to reduce the amount of physical waste we generate and to make sure that as much as possible is reused or recycled.

Business integrity

As we deliver our corporate responsibility strategy, we are working across all parts of our business to ensure every aspect of what we do is supported by our corporate responsibility approach and ethos. As well as product areas, this covers support functions like operational effectiveness, compliance and risk management to make sure the entire business is doing its part.