The Horizon IT Scandal

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We are deeply sorry for the pain which has been suffered by so many people, their families and friends throughout the Horizon IT Scandal. Support and resources for victims can be found here, along with information and data on financial redress.

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A message from our CEO

Post Office CEO, Nick Read, apologises to victims of the Horizon IT Scandal and outlines how the Post Office of today is responding to the failures of the past, rebuilding trust and driving change.

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Find out more about the background to the Horizon IT Scandal and a timeline of key events.

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Horizon Shortfall Scheme – latest data on progress

The Post Office is taking determined action to address the past and provide fair, full and final redress for victims of the Horizon Scandal. You can find details of the latest data for the Horizon Shortfall Scheme here.

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Overturned Convictions and financial redress: information on progress

The Post Office is taking extensive action to ensure that miscarriages of justice are fully addressed and that fair, full and final redress is provided. You can find details of the latest data for overturned convictions and redress here.

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Improving our systems and processes

We want our Postmasters to know that we have learned from past mistakes and see the benefits of changes we are making following the judgments in the civil and criminal courts.

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Changing our culture

We want our Postmasters to know that we have learned from past mistakes and see the benefits of changes we are making following the judgments in the civil and criminal courts.

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