Modernised Hallowes Crescent Post Office re-opens

Hallowes Crescent Post Office re-opened today. It is a new-style branch with Post Office services offered alongside the retail counter, which allows longer opening hours.


The new opening hours are:

  • Monday to Friday: 5.30am – 8.30pm;
  • Saturday: 6am – 8.30pm;
  • Sunday: 6am – 7.30pm,

making it more convenient for customers to visit.

This is an extra 70 hours and 30 minutes of Post Office service a week – treble the current opening hours.

The branch will open daily, with significantly earlier opening hours and much later closing. This will give Post Office customers greater flexibility on when to visit.

The newly refurbished branch offers most Post Office products and services.

Zoe Hall, Post Office Network Provision Lead, said: “Hallowes Crescent Post Office and store looks great after its refurbishment. With the Post Office counter alongside the retail counter there is now vastly improved opening hours, which will make it much easier for Post Office customers to pop as the hours have trebled.

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