Great Leighs subpostmistress raises £3k in memory of loved one

Popular Postmistress Elaine Rollings from Great Leighs is safely back on firm land after a parachute jump for Motor Neurone Disease Association with her two daughters.

This weekend the trio raised nearly £3,000 for the MNDA charity, which is close to their hearts. Elaine’s Father-in-law died two years ago from MND. Her daughters Amy and Charlotte also took the plunge in memory of their Grandad.

They all paid for their own jumps, so all the money raised is going to MNDA charity. They originally set themselves a goal of £500, but they quickly surpassed that milestone and with a £200 donation from Post Office Ltd, they are very close to their £3,000 goal.

Elaine Rollings, has been a Postmistress since 2017 and with husband, Peter, they run the village shop and Post Office, in Great Leighs, Main Road, Great Leighs, CM3 1NN, near Chelmsford.

Her Father-in-law, Les, was only diagnosed with MND in 2021 and he sadly went downhill very fast and died the following year. With two of her daughters, they wanted to mark the second anniversary of the death of Les, who was a lovely, kind-hearted man.

Les did National Service with the RAF in the RAF dog section. He then joined the RSPCA as an animal welfare inspector. He was manager of Wood Green Animal Shelter in London, from 1971 until his retirement in 2004. He helped care for many unwanted pets, but he also kept an eye on some local elderly residents.

Postmistress, Elaine Rollings, said: “Our Post Office and shop customers have been very generous. Our first planned jump earlier this month was postponed because of bad weather, but this Sunday we were blessed with bright blue sky and calm conditions. My youngest daughter jumped first, followed by me and then Amy. It was very surreal as the Head instructor is someone I have known since the age of 8, who lived across the road."

Post Office Area Manager, Thakoor Maraj, said: “Huge congratulations to Elaine and her daughters for their parachute jumps for the MNDA charity. They are much braver than I am. What a great way to mark the second anniversary of Les’ death and to raise money for the charity which is researching into the cause and treatment of MND.

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