Downreay Postmistress marks 30 years serving customers

Postmistress Deirdre Henderson has followed in the footsteps of her Father and Grandfather at the helm of Downreay Post Office in the Highland settlement of Buldoo near Thurso.

The Henderson family has run Downreay Post Office for over 100 years and Deirdre has just reached her 30 years’ milestone as postmistress.

Henry Henderson ‘The Bard O’ Reay’ became postmaster in 1910. His son William then became postmaster in 1958 and was in that role for 36 years. Then Deirdre took over the reins – so the Henderson family has run the branch for 114 years.

The exact date that Henry Henderson became Postmaster is unknown, but it was before 1924. His son, William, then became Postmaster in 1958 and he was in that role for 36 years. Then Deirdre took over the reins.

Postmistress, Deirdre Henderson, said: “Following the death of my Grandad, the family received a letter of condolence from the Postmaster-General London Ernest Marples. My Dad and Mum, Will and Vena, were so honoured to be given this. The large, framed, letter hangs proudly on the wall of the small office.

“Pension day at the Post Office was something to look forward to, neighbours would purposely meet up. My Dads generation had lived through so much change. Great to listen to their stories as they reminisced. What characters they were.”

For the past century Downreay Post Office has been based at Main Road, Downreay, Thurso, KW14 7YB. Deirdre has a cherished photo of her Granny Maggie outside the Post Office, taken in 1933.

Deirdre said: “Downreay Post Office hasn’t changed in appearance over the years, however, the 90’s did see the arrival of technology ‘Enter the Computer’ and I’m pleased to say it is still open for business serving the local community.

During its long history it has always been spelt Downreay, although the Dounreay spelling is more commonly used for this settlement today.

Post Office Area Manager, Louise Duff, said: “It is truly remarkable that Downreay Post Office has been run by the same family for well over a century. I want to sincerely thank Deirdre for running this branch for the past three decades and is greatly appreciated by this rural community.”

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